In this episode, Bri leads the ladies in a celebratory discussion of “the one painting of Jesus in every church ever”: Warner Sallman’s “Head of Christ.” Delving into the origin story of Sallman and his famous painting, Bri uses this familiar work of art to open a larger discussion of artistic representations of Christ throughout history and around the world, from early Christian iconography to contemporary artists like Yongsung Kim and Ed Riojas.
Follow these links to dig more deeply into some of the many artists and topics covered in this far-ranging episode: Warner Sallman, “Head of Christ,” the Evangelical Covenant Church, Covenant Companion, He Qi, Sadao Watanabe, Yongsung Kim, “Christ Pantocrator,” Lucas Cranach, Ed Riojas, Kelly Schumacher (Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts), Jonathan Mayer (Scapegoat Studios).
Connect with the Lutheran ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group (facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge) and follow Sarah (@mrsbaseballpants), Rachel (@rachbomberger), Erin (@erin.alter), and Bri (@grrrzevske) on Instagram.
The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is the podcast produced by KFUO Radio and hosted by Sarah Gulseth, Erin Alter, Rachel Bomberger, and Bri Gerzevske. Created for Lutheran ladies to have a place to escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with Lutheran sisters, we invite all of you Lutheran ladies to join Sarah, Erin, Rachel, and Bri on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. If you’re a Lutheran lady, join us in our Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge.