Rev. Wayne Lawrence from St. James Lutheran Church in University City, Missouri, answers your questions.
Thy Strong Word – Psalm 78 (Part 2): Ephraim’s Twisted Bow, Again ☧’s Fruitful Bough
Rev. Nabil Nour, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, South Dakota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study the second half of Psalm 78.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Sharathon 2020: Vignettes of the Ladies’ Lounge
In this special hour-long Sharathon episode, the Ladies offer listeners a representative sampling (in miniature!) of four different kinds of Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge podcast episodes.
Daily Chapel – Rev. Daniel McMiller on Luke 14:15-24
Rev. Daniel McMiller gives today’s sermon based on Luke 14:15-24.
The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Blessings of Daily Chapel
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, LCMS Director of Worship and International Center Chaplain.
The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Message of Hope from Lutherans for Life
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Mission and Ministry with Lutherans for Life.
The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Teaching Creation from an Early Age
Andy and Sarah talk with Pastor Warren Woerth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, Missouri.
Sharper Iron — Sharathon 2020: God’s Gift of Faith Flows into His Gift of Good Works
Rev. Brady Finnern, pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Sartell, MN joins host Rev. Timothy Appel for Sharathon 2020 to discuss the relationship between faith and good works in the Christian life.