In our continued series on topics from Connected for Life, we talk about the importance of teaching the faith in youth ministry. Vicar and DCE Brandon Metcalf joins us to talk about how our teaching tactics and focus can help us better share the Gospel and help form disciples for life.
Resources from this episode:
- LCMS Youth Ministry resource website:
- Connected for Life:
- Brandon Metcalf Bible Study on Identity:
- CPH book on teaching the faith to all ages: Timeless Truth:

Bio: Brandon Metcalf serves as Vicar at Zion Lutheran Church in Bethalto, Illinois. He is a MDiv student at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Brandon has a degree from Concordia University Nebraska and served as a Director of Christian Education in Missouri before entering the Seminary.
Brandon loves any chance to work with God’s people to help them hold onto the promises of God. Along with “Connected for Life: Essential Guide to Youth Ministry”, he is a contributing author to “Word of Strength and Promise: Devotions for Youth” and has spoken at district and national youth gatherings. He enjoys Frisbee, volleyball, and board games but his greatest joys come from being a husband and father.
End Goals is the podcast of LCMS Youth Ministry in the Office of National Mission. LCMS Youth Ministry Staff discuss practices for healthy youth ministry and interview practitioners who provide insight for experienced and new youth leaders.