Oratio: Worship God Alone

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Galatians 1:1-24

Rev. Charles Gieschen gives today’s sermonette.

St. Paul’s Des Peres Bible Study – John the Baptist Begins His Ministry

Hear the Bible Study from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, from July 11, 2021.

Wrestling With the Basics – The Truth about Sheep

With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.

LifeMoments – Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 6:18/Amos 7:14-15/Ephesians 1:11-13)

We have been predestined to proclaim and celebrate it the sanctity of life.

A Moment in Scripture: Job 32 – Psalm 11

Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Job 32 – Psalm 11 with our focus on the end of the book of Job. 

Thy Strong Word – Psalm 5: In the Morning You Hear My Voice

Rev. Robert Wetzel, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Bemidji, MN, joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Psalm 5.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} HYMNAPALOOZA Part One: Hymn Sing with Sarah & Louis Bourgeois!

Sarah kicks things off with a quick dive into the life of one of her “newest favorite composers”: Louis Bourgeois. 

Daily Chapel – Rev. Sean Daenzer on Luke 5:1-11

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 50:15-21.