Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon talk about the pace of life and ways to stay up to date on the issues impacting the family. Do you have a fear of missing out? Join us and learn about child development and a new checklist for developmental milestones for young children.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Sean Daenzer on 1 Samuel 17:40-51
Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on 1 Samuel 17:40-51.
Law and Gospel — Bible Study Wednesday: Proverbs 5
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Proverbs 5.
The Coffee Hour — Consumerism: Crosswise Institute at Concordia Irvine
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Joel Oesch — Executive Director of Crosswise Institute at Concordia University Irvine.
The Coffee Hour — J.S. Bach’s 337th Birthday Celebration
Andy talks with Dr. Paul Robinson and Rev. Dr. James Marriott from Concordia Seminary.
Sharper Iron — The Beloved Physician’s Orderly Account: Salty Disciples Follow Jesus to Eternity
Rev. Matt Wietfeldt, Director of Admissions and the Christ Academy program at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Luke 14:25-35.
Oratio: Prepared for the Gospel
Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Mark 4:1-20
Rev. Dr. Charles Gieschen gives today’s sermonette.
A Moment in Creation: Discerning Truth, Even in the Funny Pages
Hear Pastor Warren Woerth talk with Gary Duncan about a recent comic strip that shared an anti-Christian and pro-evolution viewpoint. Listen and learn how to discern these types of viewpoints and ways to share God’s truth with others.
Thy Strong Word — Matthew 21:1-17. Unbelievable mercy to unbelievable sinners: Hosanna in the Highest
Rev. Steven Wheeler, pastor of Crossview Lutheran Church in Edina, MN joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Matthew 21:1-17.