Thy Strong Word — Genesis 30. A bad soap opera? No, just Jacob’s family.

Rev. Joshua Knippa, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Nederland, TX joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 30.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Peter Ill on Genesis 15:1-6

Rev. Peter Ill gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 15:1-6.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Luke 10:38–4

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the Gospel reading for Sunday’s Lectionary.

The Coffee Hour — Live at LCMSYG: Kids Serving Internationally

Andy and Sarah talk with Gabby Rabe, Julianna Rabe, Mika Nelson, and Ambrose Sharp.

Sharper Iron — The Psalter: Thou Art the Portion I Have Sought

Rev. Tim Storck, pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Chesterfield Township, MI, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 16.

Oratio: To God Alone

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Acts 15:6-21

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller gives today’s sermonette.