Thy Strong Word — Genesis 36. Another genealogy full of grace!

Rev. Jason Schockman, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc WI joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 36.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Gathering Finishing Pack – LCMS Youth Gathering Beyond the Five Days

Mark and Julianna talk about how the Gathering can help your youth ministry beyond the five days of the event.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Sean Daenzer on 1 Kings 19:11-21

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on 1 Kings 19:11-21.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 766

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 766, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

The Coffee Hour — Screen-Free Summer Family Activities (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Laura Montgomery, Director of Educational Resources with Lutheran Elementary School Association in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour — Author Donna Snow at LCMS Youth Gathering

Andy and Sarah talk with Donna Snow, author of Chosen, a Study of Esther (CPH) and Perseverance, Praying Through Life’s Challenges (CPH).

Sharper Iron — The Psalter: The Solid Rock That Withstands the Flood

Rev. Caleb Adams, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bend, OR, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 69.

Oratio: Called to Freedom

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Acts 15:22-41

Rev. Rolf Preus gives today’s sermonette.