Rev. Steven Mahlburg (Sri Lanka) being the guest of honor at someone else’s birthday party.
5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep4. Connecting via stories | Rev. Dr. Chris Tiews
Rev. Tiews (Germany) uses the power of stories to make connections with people on trains, sidewalks, and in bible studies.
5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep3. Walk up. Say hello. Start playing. | Rev. Micah Wildauer and Liza
Rev. Wildauer (Belize) and his daughter Liza discuss making friends and being a witness.
5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep2. Make a mistake and a friend | Rev. Micah Wildauer and Liza
Rev. Wildauer (Belize) and his daughter Liza talk about the challenge of finding pork and asking questions.
5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep1. The friend formula | Kali Wood
Kali Wood (Indonesia) describes how sometimes questions that feel uncomfortable to Americans can help you get to know people faster.