5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep5. A piece of cake | Rev. Steven Mahlburg

Rev. Steven Mahlburg (Sri Lanka) being the guest of honor at someone else’s birthday party.

5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep4. Connecting via stories | Rev. Dr. Chris Tiews

Rev. Tiews (Germany) uses the power of stories to make connections with people on trains, sidewalks, and in bible studies.

5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep2. Make a mistake and a friend | Rev. Micah Wildauer and Liza

Rev. Wildauer (Belize) and his daughter Liza talk about the challenge of finding pork and asking questions.

5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S2Ep1. The friend formula | Kali Wood

Kali Wood (Indonesia) describes how sometimes questions that feel uncomfortable to Americans can help you get to know people faster.

A Moment for the Family: Recovering Math Education Following the Pandemic Challenges

Falling math scores have been attributed to challenges of education during the pandemic. Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary Duncan talk about ways to teach math to younger children and toddlers. What is “math play”? Listen and learn. 

Thy Strong Word — 1 Corinthians 4:1-21: Apostles: Like Scum of the World

Rev. George Murdaugh, pastor emeritus, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study 1 Corinthians 4.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Kevin Robson on John 12:20-33

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on John 12:20-33.

Law and Gospel — Bible Study Wednesday: Proverbs 12:9ff

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Proverbs 12:9ff.

The Coffee Hour — Beautiful Adoption

Andy and Sarah talk with Karen and Tracy Bougher, who adopted a child through Lutheran Family Service of Iowa.