“The Promised Land Delivered” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Joshua.
Oratio: Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand
Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 11:1-19
Rev. Ingo Dutzmann gives today’s sermonette.
St. Paul’s Des Peres Bible Study — 1 Corinthians 4
Hear the Bible Study from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, from October 9, 2022.
Cross Defense — The Singular Source of Division in the Visible Church
Spoiler alert. It’s all about the Bible.
Concord Matters — Luther’s Small Catechism: 3rd and 4th Commandments. Give me a break.
Rev. Phil Hoppe joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the 3rd and 4th commandments of Luther’s Small Catechism.
Wrestling With the Basics — Revelation 14: The Lamb and the 144,000
With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.
Thy Strong Word — 1 Corinthians 14:26-40: Order in the Church!
Rev. Nabil Nour, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, SD and fourth vice president of the LCMS, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study 1 Corinthians 14:1-25.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} One Question Interview: Domestic Violence Awareness
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and to help navigate the rocky waters of this challenging topic, Erin has invited Sandra (Ostapowich) Madden into the Lounge for a One-Question Interview.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw on Luke 7:11-17
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw gives today’s sermon based on Luke 7:11-17.