Chaplain Amadeus Gandy, LCMS Chaplain at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, joins Andy and Sarah to talk about St. Nicholas of Myra, what we know about his history, the many legends associated with him, his connection to Santa Claus, and the traditions associated with the Church’s commemoration of him.
Find a handout from the Gandys on traditions for St. Nicholas (including a recipe for Speculaas!) on Lutheran Homeschool lutheranhomeschool.com/product/st-nicholas-bishop-of-myra-dec-6.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at cuw.edu.
Have a topic you’d like to hear about on The Coffee Hour? Contact Andy Bates at andrew.bates@kfuo.org or call 314-996-1519.