Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan the backstory of the Christmas hymn, “Away in the Manger”.
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 31: Rest on the Sabbath or Face the Consequences
The Rev. Nathanial Brown, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Correll, MN; Trinity Lutheran Church in Bellingham, MN; and Trinity Lutheran Church in Odessa, MN, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 31.
Law and Gospel — Rumination Thursday: C.F.W. Walther’s Thesis 13
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel with guest Wes Reimnitz.
The Coffee Hour — International Christmas: Kenya
Andy and Sarah talk with Shara and Michael Osiro in Kenya.
Sharper Iron — The Hymns of Advent: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
Rev. Luke Zimmerman, pastor at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mechanicsburg, PA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Lutheran Service Book #356, “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came.”
Oratio: For Your Good
Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Revelation 9:13-10:11
Rev. Matthew Wurm gives today’s sermonette.