Oratio: Confess His Name

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Mark 14:53-72

Rev. Andrew Yeager gives today’s sermonette.

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Passwords and Palm Sunday

Gary talks with St. Peter who brings back spy talk and secret passwords as we discuss Palm Sunday.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Who’s Influencing Our Children?

“Who’s influencing our children? You are.”

Thy Strong Word — Judges 1: Israel, You Had One Job

The Rev. Matthew Lorfeld, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Judges 1.

Thy Strong Word — NEW BOOK: Judges

The Book of Judges tells the story of Israel’s descent into chaos and idolatry, and the subsequent rise of a series of judges, or redeemers, who deliver them from their enemies.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Sean Daenzer on Genesis 27:30-45

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 27:30-45.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Matthew 26:1-27:66

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the Gospel reading for Sunday’s Lectionary.

The Coffee Hour — Mental Health Monday: Men, Women, and Emotions — Part 2

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW, and Rev. Dr. Richard Marrs, Professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.

Sharper Iron — The Word Made Flesh: Jesus Has Overcome the World

Rev. Tim Storck, pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Chesterfield, MI, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study John 16:16-33.