Thy Strong Word — Joshua 2: Rahab Helps the Israelite Spies

The Rev. John Shank, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, IL, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Joshua 2.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Jon Furgeson on 1 Kings 17:8-16

Rev. Dr. Jon Furgeson gives today’s sermon based on 1 Kings 17:8-16.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 555

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 555, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

The Coffee Hour — Catechesis and the Catechism

Rev. Peter Bender and Rev. Dr. Al Espinosa talk about the importance of catechesis.

Sharper Iron — The Holiness of God: You Shall Be Holy as the LORD Is Holy

Rev. Nate Hill, pastor at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Winchester, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Leviticus 19:1-37.

Oratio: How You Serve Your Neighbor

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: 1 Timothy 2:1-15

Rev. Dan Eddy gives today’s sermonette.