Few Lutherans have never laid eyes on a Portals of Prayer devotional booklet, yet how much do you know about its 87-year history?
In this “Story Time with Sarah” episode, Sarah presents original primary source research on these timeless devotional booklets commissioned in 1935 by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States to provide members of the Synod with short daily devotions, interestingly written, at an affordable price. Stroll through the timeline of these ubiquitous volumes published by Concordia Publishing House to hear tidbits of history, including the first set of authors, partnership with KFUO Radio for audio recordings, the first Lutheran Lady to write for Portals of Prayer, and formatting successes (and otherwise) throughout the years.
At the end, Sarah shares stories from Lutheran Ladies about their own poignant, nostalgic, practical, or otherwise hilarious adventures with Portals of Prayer booklets.
The resources in this episode include:
- CPH.org/Portals – your one-stop-shop for Portals of Prayer
- 75 Years of Portals of Prayer available from CPH
- Portals of Prayer Devotional Bible available from CPH
- Lutheran Braille Workers – to request Braille Portals of Prayer and other Lutheran Braille materials.
- Walter Loeber’s story of his time with KFUO Radio’s Extension Service
- The story of Alma Kern from LWML
- And, if you’re in the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook group, read ALL of the stories from the Ladies here!

Connect with the Lutheran Ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group (facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge) and on Instagram @lutheranladieslounge. Follow Sarah (@hymnnerd), Rachel (@rachbomberger), Erin (@erinaltered), and Bri (@grrrzevske) on Instagram!
Sign up for the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge monthly e-newsletter here, and email the Ladies at lutheranladies@kfuo.org.
The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is the podcast produced by KFUO Radio and hosted by Sarah Gulseth, Erin Alter, Rachel Bomberger, and Bri Gerzevske. Created for Lutheran ladies to have a place to escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with Lutheran sisters, we invite all of you Lutheran ladies to join Sarah, Erin, Rachel, and Bri on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. If you’re a Lutheran lady, join us in our Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge.