Pastor Appreciation Month Contest & Winners!
KFUO Radio, the Messenger of Good News, hosted a contest for our Facebook Followers to get entered in a chance to win some great prizes for them and their pastor during Pastor Appreciation Month.
The Rules : (1) Like Us on Facebook, (2) Write on the KFUO Facebook page “I appreciate my pastor because….” and then tell us why, (3) Share their post on their own Facebook page, and (4) Email a copy of their post into
Each Winner received a Deluxe Edition Treasury of Daily Prayers book, a Fred Baue CD “New Chestnuts”, two CDs from the Lily Field’s Collection, and a KFUO Shirt. They also received a duplicate package to give to their pastor to show their appreciation.
Here are our Winners!

Week 1 : Eric Bendekovic of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
I appreciate my Pastor (Rev. Michael Podeszwa from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Freedom, PA) because he preaches and teaches law and gospel for the forgiveness of sin, he feeds me with the body and blood of Jesus Christ, his determination to work hard laboring in the parish, his willingness to admit when he is wrong and not to sit on a pedestal of the spiritual elite. I appreciate his dedication to live a Godly life through the strength of Christ. Finally, I appreciate him putting up with pesky partitioners like me always asking questions and him helping me win the “Pastor Appreciation Contest” at KFUO Radio.

Week 2 : Nancy Rubano-Nord of Florissant,
I appreciate my Pastor (Rev. Mark Femmel of Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights, MO) because he truly believes, lives, and shows the way of God’s Word. He will take time out to answer any question on the scriptures (even though his days are full). In his own gentle way, he can get to you understand things that were hard to comprehend and make you think you’re a genius. He allows you to use your talents to serve the church and our Lord and encourages you all the way. He’s always looking for ways to help others and to get the church involved in sharing God’s love. I truly thank God for my Pastor and his love for spreading the word.

Week 3 : Bob Myers of Milton, Florida
I appreciate my Pastor (Rev. Randy Blankschaen of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Pensacola, FL) because he is FAITHFUL. He delivers the Goods, in Word and Sacrament. He speaks God’s forgiveness to me. He is a great teacher, knowledgeable in many languages, yet he uses them to instruct rather than to impress. He cares for my soul.

Week 4 : Kathleen Thompson of Mountainburg, Arkansas
I appreciate my Pastor (Rev. John Treude of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Smith, AR) because he does not compromise God’s Word for any reason. He is strong and steadfast, and he shepherd this difficult congregation with love and truth.
Thank you to all who participated in this contest and showed their appreciation for their Pastors!
This contest excluded all employees of KFUO Radio and the LCMS.