Kaye Wolff is a pastor’s wife, a lifelong Lutheran lady, and a longtime leader in the LWML. Born in rural Alabama, Kaye was baptized and spent her early years at Christ Lutheran Church in Rosebud, Ala., the first of many Black Lutheran congregations established by Rosa J. Young’s pioneering missionary efforts. Her family took part in the Great Migration, leaving Alabama and settling in Detroit, Mich., in search of greater educational and economic opportunities.
In this loving and honest conversation, Kaye tells her life story, one marked by segregation, discrimination, and prejudice—but also by love, acceptance, grace, and steadfast faith.
To learn more, listen to our previous conversation with Kaye Wolff (discussing Rosa Young’s autobiography) or to Sarah’s Story Time episode on Rosa Young. You can also check out CPH’s Rosa Young in its Hero of Faith biography series for young readers.
Connect with the Lutheran Ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group (facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge) and on Instagram @lutheranladieslounge. Follow Sarah (@hymnnerd), Rachel (@rachbomberger), Erin (@erinaltered), and Bri (@grrrzevske) on Instagram!
Sign up for the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge monthly e-newsletter here, and email the Ladies at lutheranladies@kfuo.org.
The Lutheran Ladies Lounge is the podcast produced by KFUO Radio and hosted by Sarah Gulseth, Erin Alter, Rachel Bomberger, and Bri Gerzevske. Created for Lutheran ladies to have a place to escape to with inviting conversations, laughter, and fellowship with Lutheran sisters, we invite all of you Lutheran ladies to join Sarah, Erin, Rachel, and Bri on the sofa in the Lutheran Ladies Lounge to sit, rest your feet, and stay a while. If you’re a Lutheran lady, join us in our Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge.