Pastor Tyler Arnold joins Steph to talk about the vital role that visitation plays in the life of the Christian community. Author of the recent release Pastoral Visitation: For the Care of Souls (available from Lexham Press), Pastor Arnold makes a compelling case for church members to pay visit to one another and for pastors to visit their people – to be with one another as the fellowship of believers is a good way to do life together. Learn about what Pastor Arnold describes as this “with” way in Episode 48!

Bio: Tyler C. Arnold was born August 23, 1973 in Alton, Illinois. He graduated from Roxana High School in 1991 and Concordia University, River Forest in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. He attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and graduated in 1999 with a Master of Divinity degree. In 2019, Pastor Arnold received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN in the area of Pastoral Care.
Pastor Arnold has served as a parish pastor since 1999. He was the Assistant Pastor at Christ Lutheran, Platte Woods, MO. from 1999-2004. In 2004 he accepted a Divine Call to serve as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Millstadt, IL. He later returned to Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods in 2006 to serve as Sr. Pastor where he served until 2022. He is currently Pastor at Village Lutheran Church, Ladue, MO.
Pastor Arnold has served on the Board of Congregational Support for the Southern Illinois District, as the Chairman for the Committee on Structure and Administration for the Missouri District as well as the District’s Structure and Administration Task Force (Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden was the Chairman of the Task Force). He has also served on the Board of Directors at Unity Lutheran School in East St. Louis, IL as well as Pastoral Advisor to the Executive Council of the Northland Lutheran School Association in the Kansas City Northland. He served for nine years as a Circuit Visitor and on various District program and conference committees. Currently, he serves as a member of the Board of Regents for Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and is a “Fellow” on the Collegium of Pastors for DOXOLOGY – The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel.
Pastor Arnold is the author of the book, Pastoral Visitation: For the Care of Souls published by Lexham Press. He has written articles published in by the LCMS blog, The Lutheran Witness, SEELSORGER – A Journal for the Contemporary Cure of Souls, LOGIA and Christianity Today. He also wrote a Bible study called, Finding Balance and Perspective in Ministry published by the LCMS. He has been a speaker at District Pastors Conferences and various retreats on the topic of the care of souls.
He was joined in Holy Matrimony to Andrea (nee Thur) in 1995 at Holy Cross Lutheran in Ste. Genevieve, MO where her father served as pastor at the time. They are blessed with two sons: Jacob, 25, a graduate of Missouri State University lives in Herculaneum, MO and works for Roeslein and Associates and Benjamin, 22, is a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps. His Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) is signals intelligence.
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We believe that God is the author and sustainer of all life. We also know it can be hard to speak about the intrinsic value of that life when it feels like the world is trying to drown us out.
We’re right here beside you. In this podcast of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry, we’re coming alongside one another as a community of Christ’s redeemed people, ones who are speaking up for and living out the sanctity of human life. Together we’ll explore life issues in a way that honors our heavenly Father’s value of human life, serves our neighbor, and connects us to others who are doing the same. Join us, so that together we can be friends for life.