“Christian Allegory in the Zombie Film ‘Warm Bodies’” with guest Rev. Rick Boshoven, pastor of Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church in Merrillville, Indiana.
Warm Bodies — After R (a highly unusual zombie) saves Julie from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.
Hour 1 Audio:

“Roots and Fruits – The Conquest of America by the Culture of Death“ with guest Anthony Horvath, Executive Director, Athanatos Christian Ministries, Lutheran Christian Apologist, Author

Roots and Fruits — Have you ever wondered how it was possible that a large number of people could have ever come to accept the idea that it was all right for one set of men to enslave another set of men? Have you ever wondered how a society came to accept the mass extermination of the Jews? Fewer than a hundred years ago, doctors were doing experiments on people while they were still alive. Compulsory sterilization laws were on the books-in the United States-into the early 1980s. These are not events of the distant past. They occurred in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our parents, or grandparents. How did people come to not merely tolerate such things, but openly promote them, and even carry them out?

“Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley – Children at an LCMS Daycare Center Deemed Unworthy of Recycled Tires for Their Playground Under State Program“ with guest Joel Oster, Senior Legal Counsel, The Alliance defending Freedom.

Joel L. Oster serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom at its Kansas City Regional Service Center in Kansas, where he plays a significant role in litigation efforts defending church autonomy. Before joining Alliance Defending Freedom in 2004, he earned his J.D. from the University of Kansas School of Law. Oster is admitted to the bar in Kansas, Missouri, Florida, and numerous federal courts, and has practiced law since 1997.
Hour 2 Audio :