“Christianity Is Fine… The Bible Is The Problem“ with guest Rev. Nathan Meador, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin.
From the article — “With the recent uproar about the vote against female bishops and the Church of England’s opposition to gay marriage, it looks as if the Christian Church is in a frightening position. I do not have a problem with the Church of England. I happen to think Christianity, and religion in general, is something that should be celebrated and cherished.
For example, the Christian teaching of true charity (giving time and love to people in need, not just throwing money at causes) is something that is incredibly important in modern society. Christianity is not the issue. The Bible is…” Read the full article HERE!

“The American Muhammad: Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormonism“ with guest Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt – Professor of Sociology Emeritus at Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL, Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Author

The American Muhammad — Soon after Joseph Smith, Jr., founded the Mormon Church in 1830, newspaper editors called him the American Mahomet, Modern Mahomet, or Yankee Mahomet. In The American Muhammad Alvin Schmidt has undertaken the challenging but informative task of documenting, discussing, and analyzing over seventy parallels that exist between Smith and Muhammad. He cites valid arguments why parallels between noteworthy individuals in history need to be studied in order to understand why they engaged in similar acts that left major marks in history. This fascinating book provides many facts not commonly known about Joseph Smith and Muhammad and will help readers see and understand how the teachings of these two men contradict biblical Christianity.
Hour 1 Audio:

“Choosing the Right College 2012-13 – The Whole Truth About America’s Top Schools“ with guest John Zmirak – Writer-in-Residence at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, Author
“Here you’ll discover information you can’t get anywhere else about the intellectual, political, and social conditions at each institution, including:
Click here for details on this book! Insider tips on the best—and worst—departments, courses, and professors
- The statistics that colleges don’t want you to know
- A unique “traffic light” feature—red, yellow, or green—that reveals the state of intellectual freedom and the extent of political correctness on campus
- The truth about day-to-day student life: the social scene, living arrangements, campus safety, clubs, sports, traditions, and much more
- A roadmap for getting a real education at any school, whether a huge state university or a tiny liberal arts college
- Essential financial information, including the extent of need-based financial aid and the average student-debt load of graduates
- The most overpriced colleges—and the good values you don’t know about”
“IF NOT US, WHO? – William Rusher, National Review, and the Conservative Movement“ with guest Dr. David B. Frisk – Award Winning Journalist, Instructor of American Government, Author

“If Not Us, Who? is both the story of an architect of the modern conservative movement and a colorful journey through a half century of high-level politics.
Best known as the longtime publisher of National Review, William Rusher (1923–2011) was more than just a crucial figure in the history of the Right’s leading magazine. He was a political intellectual, tactician, and strategist who helped shape the historic rise of conservatism.
To write If Not Us, Who?, David B. Frisk pored over Rusher’s voluminous papers at the Library of Congress and interviewed dozens of insiders, including National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr., in addition to Rusher himself. The result is a gripping biography, authorized yet independent, that shines new light on Rusher’s significance as an observer and an activist while bringing to life more than a generation’s worth of political hopes, fears, and controversies…” Read the full description HERE!
Hour 2 Audio :