Family ‘n’ Your Questions: A Family Councillor joins the show to answer Your Questions!
with guest Marty Lintvedt

About Marty — “I have enjoyed working as a partner in mental health and wellness for over 15 years. It is my hope that as I walk alongside the client he or she will recognize strengths, develop skills, and embrace healing. While I have specialized training in some complex issues, much of the work of a counselor is helping people deal with the everyday struggles most of us face on a daily basis.
I work with individuals, couples and families. Areas of experience include: couples and families in crisis; facing transition; clergy & military dynamics; bereavement; depression; abuse survivors; trauma; relationship and communication difficulties. Certifications held include: suicide intervention; post trauma; critical incident stress management and domestic violence.
I am an Approved Clinical Supervisor of graduate level counselors-in-training and those working toward state licensing. I am a nationally certified, licensed Christian counselor.”
Learn more about Marty Lintvedt HERE!
Also check out the Vine and Branches Annual Conference featuring discussions on Family Matter: Pro-Marriage, Pro-Children, Pro-Life. Learn more about this free event HERE!

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