With guest Ben Freudenberg talks about teaching people about family ministry in the parish.

Ben Freudenburg has been a Director of Christian Education for 40 years, working with children, youth, and their families to nurture their love for God and each other through the church and is presently serving as Family Life Team Leader at Concordia University Ann Arbor and Director of the Concordia Center for the Family on the Campus of Concordia University Ann Arbor and Professor in Family Life Studies. He is the founder of Family Friendly Partners Network. He is married to Jennifer and is father to Cori and Sara and grandfather to Caleb, Markey, Adelaide and Micah. He has served at Shore Haven Lutheran in Cleveland, Ohio; Our Redeemer Lutheran in Hutchinson, Kansas, Concordia Lutheran in Kirkwood, Missouri, and Christ Church-Lutheran in Phoenix AZ as Minister to the Christian Home. He received his BS in ED and certification as Director of Christian Education and Master’s of Science –Family Life through Concordia University in Seward Nebraska. He has served as President of Lutheran Education’s TEAM department and as President of Lutheran Education Association a national professional organization for Lutheran educators. He has written for a variety of education and youth journals and magazines and wrote; “The Traveling Guide…. A Vehicle for Youth Ministry,”; “Through Children’s Eyes,” a book of “52 Children’s Messages” CPH and “The Family Friendly Church.” by Group Publishing. He has recently created the Family Friendly Partners Training Network and has lead networks of churches in Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Singapore, Missouri, Indiana and Wisconsin.
Send in your family questions to or call host Rev. Rod Zwonitzer at (314)505-7815 and we’ll address them on Friday’s show!