Family Devotions: Little Ones

With guest Dr. Mary Manz Simon who talks about how to share the love of Jesus Christ with our little ones.
“Are you buried in diapers, carpools and spelling lists?
I was, after having three children in 3 1/2 years. I loved being a mom — and still do, even though my children are grown. I admit, though, that mothering is challenging. I know what it’s like to be awakened in the middle of the night (every night) and to bathe with a young audience peering over the tub. The issues you face today are deeply ingrained in my memory.
I earned a doctorate in education, but it’s the Mommy Zone experiences that are nearest to my heart. Perhaps that’s why I care so much about children and their families.
I would love to support and encourage you as your child grows up — and as you both grow in your relationship with God.” -Dr. Mary Manz Simon
Learn more about Dr. Mary Manz Simon and her books HERE!
Send in your family questions to or call host Rev. Rod Zwonitzer at (314)505-7839 and we’ll address them on Friday’s show!