[tabs style=”vertical” title=”His Time Morning Show”][tab title=”Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brotherhood of John the Steadfast.”]
Rev. Joshua Scheer Interview
Rev. Joshua Scheer of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, WY, talks about subjects from the Brothers of John the Steadfast webpage, www.steadfastlutherans.org.
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[/tab][tab title=”Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics.”]
Dr. Bob Weise Interview
Dr. Bob Weise talks about issues related to Christian bioethics.
Bioethics is the study of controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethicists are concerned with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, and philosophy.
About Dr. Weise: Dr. Robert W. Weise is professor of practical theology. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois (B.S. in Ed. 1967); University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (M.S. 1970, Ph.D. 1973); Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri (M.Div. 1982); instructor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas (1972-73); research associate, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (1973-74); assistant professor (1974-78); pastor, Zion, Bunker Hill, Illinois (1982-85); senior pastor, Our Savior’s, Springfield, Illinois (1985-92); associate professor, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri (1992-2002); professor since 2002; The Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis Chair in Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences since 1992. Click HERE to read more about Dr. Weise.
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[/tab][tab title=”Biblical Text Study”]
Biblical Text Study

With guest Rev. Kirk Clayton of Zion Lutheran Church in Mascoutah, Illinois.
Acts 13:42-52
42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. 43 When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.
44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying and heaped abuse on him.
46 Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
“‘I have made you[a] a light for the Gentiles,
that you[b] may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’[c]”
48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. 50 But the Jewish leaders incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. 51 So they shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconium. 52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
- Acts 13:47 The Greek is singular.
- Acts 13:47 The Greek is singular.
- Acts 13:47 Isaiah 49:6
[/tab][tab title=”Matins Sermonette”]
Matins Sermonette

Today’s sermonette is by Rev. Kirk Clayton of Zion Lutheran Church in Mascoutah, Illinois.
Acts 13:42-52
42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. 43 When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.
44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying and heaped abuse on him.
46 Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
“‘I have made you[a] a light for the Gentiles,
that you[b] may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’[c]”
48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. 50 But the Jewish leaders incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. 51 So they shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconium. 52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
- Acts 13:47 The Greek is singular.
- Acts 13:47 The Greek is singular.
- Acts 13:47 Isaiah 49:6
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