International Disaster Response Conference
One who attended this conference could easily hear and sense the importance that the new LCMS Disaster Response approach has achieved by the Lord’s gracious blessing of many of these International disasters to not only proclaim the Gospel but the actual bringing in of the harvest of souls around the globe. This is one of the dominant, high visibility outreaches of our church body and its international partners. This conference is of significant interest to not only the conference participants (which was impressive as there were some 35 countries represented) but to KFUO’s listeners as well.

1. In Time of Tragedy – with Will Weedon

2. Newtown, CT and the Boston Marathon – with Tim Yeadon

3. Typhoon Yolanda – with James Cerendola, Nick Ranara, and Bon Palattao

4. Chilean Earthquakes and Fires – with Christian Rautenberg