In our series on Missionary Family Life, guests Rev. Duane and Elizabeth Meissner talk about life as career missionaries in Belize. Learn more about the Meissners, including prayer requests and birthdays, at lcms.org/meissner. Follow their journey and sign up for their newsletter on their mission website christinbelize.com.
Read a snippet of their bio here:
Rev. Duane and Elizabeth Meissner serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as career missionaries in Belize. In this role, Duane’s unique and exciting objective is to plant the very first Lutheran churches in that country! He also works to support LCMS human care and mercy projects in the country. Read more at lcms.org/meissner.
Send in your family questions to Family@kfuo.org or call host Andy Bates at (314) 996-1519 .