Rev. Leif Hasskarl shares stories from the mission field in the Cayman Islands. Find information about Safe Harbour Lutheran Church in the Cayman Islands on their website safeharbourlc.com. Learn more about Rev. Hasskarl and his family, including prayer requests and birthdays, at lcms.org/hasskarl.
Read a snippet of their bio here:
Rev. Leif and Nancy Hasskarl serve the Lord as career missionaries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in the Cayman Islands. In this role, they work with local church leaders to nurture, sustain and grow the spiritual life of the local people. Through Word and Sacrament ministry, they reach out to the people of the Cayman Islands with the Good News of Jesus Christ and care for them so they may experience His great love. Read more at lcms.org/hasskarl.
Listen to the entire Faith & Family program from October 11, 2016, here.