Part 3 of 3 with guest David Fiala, Assistant Director of Missionary Recruitment for the LCMS Office of International Mission, talks about his great love of catechisms and how the explanations of our catechisms came to be as we have them today. David wrote an article for CHI’s 2016 Winter Quarterly Journal titled “Martin Luther’s Small Catechism: A History of English Language Editions and Explanations Prepared by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.” Find an explanation of the Winter 2016 Journal at concordiahistoricalinstitute.org/winter-2016-chi-quarterly, and find ordering informating at concordiahistoricalinstitute.org/chi-publications/concordia-historical-institute-quarterly. Contact David at david.fiala@lcms.org.
View just a snapshot of David’s catechism collection:
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