Host Rev. Charles Henrickson and guests Rev. Randy Asburry and Rev. Sean Smith discuss The Sacrament of the Altar from the Large Catechism, paragraphs 80-87. Charles Henrickson is pastor of St. Matthew-Bonne Terre, Missouri. Randy Asburry is pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Sean Smith is pastor of Immanuel-Campbell Hill and St. Paul-Wine Hill, Illinois.
Concord Matters is hosted by Rev. Charlie Henrickson and Rev. Joshua Scheer.
Rev. Charles Henrickson
If you ask host of Concord Matters and pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Bonne Terre MO, Rev. Charles Henrickson what makes him happy, this native Chicago Northsider may respond “The Cubs’ World Series Championship, of course!” He may pause long enough from talking about his beloved Chicago Cubs (which we St. Louisans forgive him for) to cook up his famous roast pork loin with baked potatoes and spinach, or sip piping coffee from his prized VDMA coffee mug. A lover of Scrabble and Lexulous online games, you may find him writing parodies and hymns (and hymn parodies), or teaching Latin and Greek online, or maybe even reading Bo Giertz’s “Hammer of God” or the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.
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