In our series on Missionary Family Life, guests Rev. Roy and Eliza Askins talk about life as career missionaries in Hong Kong. Learn more about the Askins, including prayer requests and birthdays, at lcms.org/askins.
Read a snippet of their bio here:
Rev. Roy and Eliza Askins serve the Lord as career missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Hong Kong. Roy is the director of communications for the Asia region. He works with other LCMS personnel serving in this region to communicate the Gospel through social and other media outlets. He helps to share the story of what God is doing through LCMS personnel, partner church bodies and all believers, using print media, video, social media and the Internet. These resources are used to enlighten the church worldwide and encourage LCMS congregations and members to pray for and consider supporting those serving in this region and around the world. Read more at lcms.org/askins.
Send in your family questions to Family@kfuo.org or call host Andy Bates at (314) 996-1519 .