Do We Really Need to Talk about Racism?
Acts 6 begins with a complaint from the Greek speaking Jewish Christians that their widows weren’t being cared for in the same way as Hebrew speaking widows. The Greeks were experiencing racism. Prejudice, bigotry, and racism aren’t new to the world or to the church. Healing wounds caused by racism begins with open and honest dialogue, and moves towards a heart of compassion and empathy. Come join me.

Bio: Micah has been an ordained minister for 3 years. He began his ministry as a missionary in his hometown Ferguson, MO, and now serves as a Regional Ministry Facilitator for Lutheran Hour Ministries. He’s the youngest of 5 children, and was born in Honolulu, HI while his dad was serving in the USMC. He’s married to Deaconess Dorothy Glenn, and together they have three wonderful children: Jonathan 5, Talitha 4, and David 2.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit