Encouraging Volunteer Longevity: Don’t lock’em in, let ’em run!
While frequent volunteer turnover can bring some benefits, the long term volunteer is a HUGE blessing! We know that there are some volunteers that stick around and serve with excellence year after year, they bring experience, understanding and history. This session will explore ways to replicate that long, high quality service and even touch on some ways to bless long time volunteers that are struggling.

Bio: Michael Harvey is a child of God serving at Redeemer Lutheran in Rochester, MN. He is married to his lovely wife Erin and proud father to Addie, Lily, MJ, Gabe and Caleb Harvey. Michael enjoys finding opportunities in challenges, seeing God at work in people, and receiving God’s abundant grace.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit www.lcmsgathering.com.