Fear. We know it. We see it. It creeps in and takes over. And when fear gains a foothold we can become paralyzed. Does fear keep you from fulfilling something more in life? Whatever “fear” looks like in your life; this session changes our thinking to dwell first on size of our God not the height of our fear. Whatever your fear is, it can, will, and must fall down with the power of Jesus.

Bio: Leon Jameson is Associate Pastor of Next Gen Ministries at Hales Corners Lutheran Church in suburban Milwaukee. Drawing from his experiences in this congregation of 9,000 and from twenty years of ministry with young people (and not-so-young people), Leon delivers creative, authentic, and practical ideas that inspire and influence youth and adults to impact their world for Jesus.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit www.lcmsgathering.com.