A Story Worth Telling
Maybe you feel like you don’t have a story to share. Maybe it seems like God hasn’t been working big things in your life. Tia Pugh will walk through her very ordinary faith story with you and how God revealed all the mighty ways He had been quietly working in her life. Tia will help you look differently at the story God has been writing for you.

Bio: Tia loves telling stories. It started way back in Kindergarten and hasn’t ever stopped. Her story has been entirely disrupted by the love of Jesus. She loves to share the story of God working in her life, and help uncover the ordinary and amazing ways God is working in your life. She loves teaching and making art, drinking too much coffee, and baking. She lives with her family in West Des Moines, IA.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit www.lcmsgathering.com.