College is the Kairos of your life!
Kairos is a Greek word that means something like “opportune moment.” College is full of these opportune moments. Yet, these opportune moments sometimes come as times of crisis. But crisis does not necessarily mean chaos for your life. In this workshop you will learn about the crisis moments that impact college life, and how these times can provide opportunities for you to deepen your faith in Jesus.

Bio: Rev. Johnathan Ruehs is a 22 year ministry veteran who serves as an assistant professor of theology, and Director of the Center for Church Leadership at Concordia University in Irvine, California. Prior to his current role he served seven years in the campus ministry department at CUI. He is married and he and his wife Brenda have a daughter in college and two sons in High school.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit