What’s the controversy on Good Works today? What were the controversies and major events leading up to the writing of the Formula of Concord? Where did Philip Melanchthon go off the rails? Find answers to these questions and a deep dive into the history surrounding the Formula of Concord. Download the Venn Diagram and Major Markers here.
Rev. Dr. James Baneck, executive director of LCMS Pastoral Ministry joins host Rev. Sean Smith to discuss Epitome of the Formula of Concord, Article IV: Good Works.

Pull out your Book of Concord and join a lively discussion of the Lutheran Confessions. Each week, host Rev. Sean Smith and a roundtable groups of guests take an in-depth look at passages from parts of the Book of Concord so you can have a deeper understanding of your Lutheran faith.
Do you have questions about this program? Email Andrew.Bates@kfuo.org or call at (314) 996-1519.