
“Luther’s Works Prefaces Vol. 1“ with guest Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, Concordia Publishing House Managing Editor of Luther’s Works.

“The Persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt” with guest Raymond Ibrahim, Middle East and Islam Specialist, Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum, Author of The Al Qaeda Reader , Guest Lecturer at the National Defense Intelligence College and U.S. Strategic Command
Hour 1 Audio:

“Where Have All The Evangelicals Gone?” with guest Dr. Thomas Kidd, Associate Professor of History at Baylor University, Waco Texas

“Wealth and Poverty” with guest George F. Gilder, Economist, Author of ‘Wealth And Poverty’ (Regnery), Pioneer of Supply-side Economics, Contributing Editor of Forbes Magazine, President Ronald Reagan’s Most Frequently Quoted Living Author, Founder and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute
Hour 2 Audio: