Rev. AJ Espinosa

Host of Thy Strong Word

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It’s no coincidence that the favorite hymn for Rev. AJ Espinosa, host of Thy Strong Word, is Thy Strong Word. Working on his PhD from Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Pastor Espinosa takes breaks from his studies by beating the competition in his favorite video and board games, reading “Mere Christianity,” or getting some quality sleep. When he’s not mixing curries or whipping up a fresh flan for dessert, you may find him researching cryptocurrency, watching Star Trek Discovery, or jamming out to the Coco and Moana Spanish-language soundtracks (with his daughter, of course). Pastor Espinosa lives in California, where he enjoys time at the beach with his wife, Gaby, precious little girls Ellie and Natalie, and exceptionally friendly black cat Heike.

Thy Strong Word – Psalm 78 (Part 1): Tune In, Do Not Forget ☧’s Crossing and Cross

Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study the first half of Psalm 78.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 16: Quail & Honey-Dew, ☧’s Sabbath Foretaste

Rev. Braun Campbell, pastor of St. Johns Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Virginia, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 16.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 15: Israel Joins ☧’s Easter Song at Sabbath Waters

Rev. Benjamin Ball, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, Illinois, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 15.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 14: ☧ Turns, Egypt & Israel “Sea” and Believe

Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 14.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 13: Feast in the Wilderness, ☧ for Us Light or Dark

Rev. David Andrus, pastor of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in St. Louis and Ministries, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 13.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 12: Easter Plague of God’s Firstborn ☧

Rev. Steven Theiss, retired LCMS pastor in Frohna, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 12.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 11: Plagues of Law & Gospel, Faith in ☧ the Lamb

Rev. Thomas Eckstein, pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, North Dakota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 11.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 10: Darkness Won’t Let Go of Death, ☧ Still Leaves

Rev. David Fleming, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 10.

Thy Strong Word – Psalm 110: David as Priest, His Lord as ☧ Over Death

Rev. Nathan Meador, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Psalm 110.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 9: Every Livestock Dies, ☧ Makes Enemy Heavy

Rev. Chris Matthis, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in Castle Rock, Colorado, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Exodus 9.