Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller

Host of Cross Defense

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A peculiar love of the color tan tops Cross Defense host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller’s list of favorite things, along with coffee, old theology books, and a blank sheet of paper. Residing in Texas has turned his love of Summer into a love of Fall, and he’ll happily snack on beef jerky while exploring the Texas countryside in his well-loved khaki travel pants. He’ll curiously name Andy Bates as his number one celebrity, but obviously Martin Luther is his favorite theologian. When he’s not crushing home runs in a local softball game, you’ll probably find him reading a book you may or may not have heard of, like “A Prayer for Owen Meany” and Alfred Edersheim's “History of the Old Testament.”

Cross Defense – Jesus is For You

With host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and guest Rev. Micah Glenn