Kip Allen

Journalist and Program Host of World Lutheran News Digest, Free to be Faithful, and Let's Talk! The Pastor Is In

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When cleaning his collection of glasses for the different types of beer, his favorite beverage, Program Host and Journalist Kip Allen may be listening to Gordon Lightfoot or deciding which historical novel to read next. He’ll eat anything his wife cooks because she’s the best cook on the planet. You’ll often find him enjoying a steaming cup of coffee while reading the newspaper in the early morning, or he and his cozy slippered feet may be reading his favorite political blog or playing the best computer simulation game on his iMac.

World Lutheran News Digest – Religious Tolerance, Ghana, ‘Lutheran Airlines’

Check out the latest news about (1) when religious tolerance goes too far, (2) the Missouri Synod photojournalist Erik Lunsford’s Ghana trip, and (3) the Flying ‘Lutheran Airlines’.

World Lutheran News Digest

World Lutheran News for February 22, 2014.

World Lutheran News Digest

Check out today’s news featuring storis about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service 75-year history, Preparing for a Peruvian mission, and Deaconesses in Liberia.

World Lutheran News Digest – Prolife Organizations, Mercy Medical Teams, Lutherans in Ghana

World Lutheran News for February 8, 2014 — Pro life organizations lose nearly a million dollars in annual funding, Mercy Medical Teams want volunteers, and Good news for Lutherans in Ghana.

World Lutheran News Digest

World Lutheran News for February 1, 2014.

World Lutheran News Digest

Discussing Jesus with Muslims and Jews, official talks with the Vatican and the baptism of 25 Nepalese refugees are the topics of World Lutheran News Digest.

World Lutheran News Digest

Preserving traditional marriage in Indiana and ongoing relief efforts by World Lutheran Relief are discussed on World Lutheran News Digest.

World Lutheran News Digest

World Lutheran News for November 16, 2013.