Rev. Jonathan Fisk
1043 Articles0 Comments

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Objectified Juju?

Rev. Andrew Preus studies 2 Corinthians 5:19-20a regarding the work and Word of reconciliation, who the ambassadors of Christ are, and how God reconciles the world to Himself.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Esoteric Triangle God of Reconciliation

Rev. Peter Ill studies 2 Corinthians 5:18b regarding the pattern of God’s love for the world in Christ.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Waiting for the Universe to Catch Up

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller studies 2 Corinthians 5:17-18a regarding the new creation for Christians and how all things are made new in Christ.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Waging the Non-Fleshly War

Rev. Timothy Appel studies 2 Corinthians 5:16 about what happens when we regard Christ and others according to the flesh.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Who Are Those Who Live?

Professor David Lewis studies 2 Corinthians 5:15 regarding the Gospel that is for all people and the benefits that are received by faith.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: What is Love?

Rev. Adam Filipek studies 2 Corinthians 5:14b regarding that true love that is more than a feeling, but a sacrifice, perfectly given in Christ Jesus.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: The Love of Christ Controls You

Rev. Chris Hull studies 2 Corinthians 5:14a regarding how even though we are conceived enslaved to sin, the love of Christ creates in us a new person.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Totally Beside Myself for the LORD

Rev. Dustin Beck studies 2 Corinthians 5:13 regarding what it means to be “beside ourselves” for the LORD and why it’s a good thing.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Boasting and Roasting

Rev. James Preus studies 2 Corinthians 5;12 regarding the conflict and false teachers facing the Corinthians and how we face the same things today.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Knowing Our Sin, Known to Grace

Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt studies 2 Corinthians 5:11b regarding what it means to be known to God, how it affects our conscience, and for God to be made known to us.