Rev. Jonathan Fisk
1043 Articles0 Comments

Sharper Iron: Like a Wise Builder

Rev. Samuel Wirgau looks at 1 Corinthians 3:1-23.

Sharper Iron: The Unnatural Spirit of God’s Wisdom

Rev. Gaven Mize looks at 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:16.

Sharper Iron: God’s Foolishness- Not an Accidental Buoyancy

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller looks at 1 Corinthians 1:1-25.

Sharper Iron: The Unexpected Kingdom

Rev. Timothy Appel looks at Acts 28:16-31.

Sharper Iron: We’re All in the Same Boat

Professor David Lewis looks at Acts 27:9-26.

Sharper Iron: The Courtroom Drama of God

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller looks at Acts 26:24-27:8.

Sharper Iron: Suffering for the Mission

Rev. Clint Poppe looks at Acts 26:1-23.

Sharper Iron: Natural Law and Magical Gospel

Rev. David Petersen looks at Acts 25:13-27.

Sharper Iron: Echoes of the Cross

Rev. Luke Zimmerman looks at Acts 24:24-25:12.

Sharper Iron: Trigger Words of the Cruciform Life

Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt looks at Acts 22:30-23:11.