Rev. Joshua Scheer

Host of Concord Matters

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Often called upon to smoke meats for his family and friends, host of Concord Matters and Senior Pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Rev. Joshua Scheer appreciates spending time with his wife, Holly, four children, and variety of pets. While he enjoys a good cup of coffee in his Star Wars mug, he enjoys finding that special bottle of whiskey to sample. You may find him reading theology books by authors who have been dead for a very long time or hunting in the beautiful landscapes of Wyoming.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession, Article XXVIII

Today we talk about traditions, sabbath, doctrine, Sundays, head coverings, freedom, gospel, righteousness of faith, worship, divine service, ceremonies, blood, Leviticus, and more…

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession XXVIII, “Church Authority”

Today we talk about “Church Authority from Augsburg Confession XXVIII, paragraphs 5-18.

Concord Matters – Augsburg XV: Church Ceremonies

With guest Rev. Marcus J. Baikie and Host Rev. Joshua Scheer, both of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, WY.

Concord Matters – First, Second, and Third Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer

Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Chris Hull (Christ Lutheran Church – Normal, IL) and Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller (Hope Lutheran Church – Aurora, CO.

Concord Matters – Second Article of the Creed

Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer. With guests Rev. Dr. Matt Richard and Rev. Sam Schuldheisz.

Concord Matters – The Sixth Commandment

With guests Rev. Evan Goeglein and Rev. Brian Kachelmeier.

Concord Matters – The Second Commandment

The Second Commandment — with host Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. David Kind and Rev. Marcus Zill.

Concord Matters — Preface of the Book of Concord, Paragraph 16 and following

Join us as we look into the early efforts at Concord, Melancthon and the Lords Supper, minimizing theological differences to have unity, and the relationship between Scriptures and the Book of Concord.