Isreal reaps the whirlwind and the Day of Reckoning at hand.
Topics of Discussion: (1) “Christianity and Islamic Persecution”, (2) “After Tocqueville: The Promise and Failure of Democracy”, (3) Attacks on the Libyan and Egyptian Embassies”, and (4) “C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society”.
Israels and Judah are Unrepentant.
Israel’s Accusation and Punishment.
Israel’s Unfaithfulness and the Lord’s Mercy.
Final Warnings.
Concerns for the Corinthian Church.
Topics of Discussion: (1)”What is Christology?”, (2) “Ecumenicalism”, (3) “Christians & Guns”, and (4) “Should the Electoral College be Eliminated?”.
Paul’s Vision and His Thorn.
Paul’s Sufferings as an Apostle.