Rev. Marcus Zill

Host of The Student Union

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While drinking water or tequila is a toss-up for Chancellor Rev. Marcus Zill (which in real life means he’s LCMS Director of Campus Ministry & LCMSU), he’ll devour anything that has New Mexican Green Chile, from a side dish to cheesecake. If you can track him down hiking far away from civilization, he may be wearing his favorite Tommy Bahama camp shirts, or he may tell you long stories about the ancient history and culture of the American Southwest. When he’s rejoined civilization, he may be smoking a fine cigar near a fire pit with his wife and two sons, or possibly listening to Twenty One Pilots on his fancy iPhone X (which will be obsolete in a year).

The Student Union

The Student Union

The Student Union – “Can I take Religious Studies at a State University and Keep My Faith?”

Today we talk about the pros and cons of religious studies programs at secular universities.

The Student Union – “The Joy of Being a Camp Counselor”

You can learn more about Lutheran camps and employment opportunities through the National Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Association.

The Student Union – “Yik Yak?!?”

Today we discuss both the pitfalls and usefulness (really?) of the social media app, Yik Yak, and its impact among college students and those serving on campus.

The Student Union – “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You”

Today we learn all about the quintessential Advent Hymn, “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You”(Lutheran Service Book #334) by Rev. Paul Gerhardt.

The Student Union – “Religion is for the Weak!”

Today we talk about a unique approach to campus outreach with Rev. Jared DeBlieck.

The Student Union – Faith in the Presence of Questions, Doubts, and Cliches

Faith in the Presence of Questions, Doubts, and Cliches.

The Student Union – Let us Pray: The College Student Devotional Life

Today, we discuss the importance of cultivating one’s devotional life in Christ.

The Student Union – The Church: What is it? Where is it?

Today, we discuss the importance of the Reformation and the celebration of All Saints for the life of the college students of the church.