Rev. Marcus Zill

Host of The Student Union

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While drinking water or tequila is a toss-up for Chancellor Rev. Marcus Zill (which in real life means he’s LCMS Director of Campus Ministry & LCMSU), he’ll devour anything that has New Mexican Green Chile, from a side dish to cheesecake. If you can track him down hiking far away from civilization, he may be wearing his favorite Tommy Bahama camp shirts, or he may tell you long stories about the ancient history and culture of the American Southwest. When he’s rejoined civilization, he may be smoking a fine cigar near a fire pit with his wife and two sons, or possibly listening to Twenty One Pilots on his fancy iPhone X (which will be obsolete in a year).

The Student Union – A New Study on the Impact of Campus Ministry

With guests Kay Edwards, CEO of the Outsight Network, and Edgar Russell, the Director of Impact and Program for the Siebert Lutheran Foundation

The Student Union – The Ten Commandments in a Time of Pandemic

With guest Rev. Marty Marks, pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center in DeKalb, IL, serving students at Northern Illinois University.

The Student Union – Is Abortion an Election Issue?

With guest Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Mission and Ministry for Lutherans for Life.

The Student Union – The Sanctity of Life in the Shadow of the Coronavirus

With guest Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Mission and Ministry for Lutherans for Life

The Student Union – Providing Campus Ministry When You Suddenly Have No Students

With guest Rev. W. Max Mons, campus pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center in Iowa City, IA

The Student Union – Repentance, Prayer, and Joyful Hymnody in Times of Plague and Pestilence

With guest Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of Worship for the LCMS and chaplain of the LCMS International Center.

The Student Union – When You Can’t Flee the Plague

With guest Rev. Roy Askins, Managing Editor of the Lutheran Witness

The Student Union – Law & Order: The Third Use of the Law! (Rebroadcast)

With guest Rev. Jeffery Grams, Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Scottsbluff, NE.

The Student Union – Predominant Religion on College Campuses

With guest Nathan Koenig, student at Texas Christian University.