Rev. Marcus Zill

Host of The Student Union

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While drinking water or tequila is a toss-up for Chancellor Rev. Marcus Zill (which in real life means he’s LCMS Director of Campus Ministry & LCMSU), he’ll devour anything that has New Mexican Green Chile, from a side dish to cheesecake. If you can track him down hiking far away from civilization, he may be wearing his favorite Tommy Bahama camp shirts, or he may tell you long stories about the ancient history and culture of the American Southwest. When he’s rejoined civilization, he may be smoking a fine cigar near a fire pit with his wife and two sons, or possibly listening to Twenty One Pilots on his fancy iPhone X (which will be obsolete in a year).

The Student Union – Misused Bible Verses (3 of 6): You’re A Pretty Big Deal Around Here

With guest Rev. Daniel Suelzle, full time campus pastor at Wittenberg Lutheran Chapel in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

The Student Union – Misused Bible Verses (2 of 6): God Will Help You Accomplish Your Dreams

With guest Rev. Daniel Suelzle, full time campus pastor at Wittenberg Lutheran Chapel in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

The Student Union – Misused Bible Verses (1 of 6): God Loves You Just the Way You Are

With guest Rev. Daniel Suelzle, full time campus pastor at Wittenberg Lutheran Chapel in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

The Student Union – Living a Chaste Life in Christ

With guest Rev. Sean Kilgo of Fairview, Associate Pastor for the Northeast Kansas Lutheran Partnership.

The Student Union – Getting Quickly Involved in the Life of a Local Church at College

With guest Nathan Koenig of Metairie, Louisiana, a rising sophomore at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Student Union – Using the Small Catechism as a Field Manual for Discipleship

With guest Rev. Dr. John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry & Missions at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN.

The Student Union – LCMS Campus Ministries in Non-Lutheran Areas Matter!

With guest Rev. Mark Schroeder, pastor at Concordia Lutheran Mission.

The Student Union – The Heart of Stewardship (Rebroadcast)

With guest Rev. Robert Foote, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Ithaca, New York.