Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Hannah Shull, missionary teacher in Taiwan.
The Coffee Hour – Serving Spiritual Needs in Madagascar
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Nathan Ruback, Chaplain for Mercy Medical Team to Madagascar, and Anne Gonzalez, DCE, Manager of Short-term Mission Training & Engagement for the LCMS Office of International Mission.
The Coffee Hour – The Most Important Thing to Plan For in College
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Marcus Zill, The Chancellor of LCMSU and Director of Campus Ministry for the LCMS Office of National Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Ambassadors Further Bethesda’s Cause
Today, Andy and guest co-host Mary Schmidt talk with Mike Thirtle, CEO of Bethesda Lutheran Communities.
The Coffee Hour – Let’s Talk about Life
Today, Andy talks with Mary Schmidt, KFUO Radio’s Manager of Development.
The Coffee Hour – Protect Your Identity
Today, Andy and guest co-host Andrew Fondow talk with Jerry Thompson, Sr. Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer with Identity Guard.
The Coffee Hour – It’s Still Tuesday
Today, Andy talks with Andrew Fondow, Assistant Vice President for Product Strategy for Concordia Plan Services.