Sarah Gulseth

Digital Media Specialist

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A proud Michigan native and fan of anything with the Mitten State on it, Digital Media Manager Sarah Gulseth is also a lover of historical war movies and anything with the label PBS Masterpiece. An avid bicyclist and women’s biking advocate, she rides her bike to work year-round and has the massive bike clothing and accessory collection to prove it. If it’s the weekend, she and her husband Luther are probably out riding bikes, or finding the next awesome coffee shop to frequent, or rehearsing for the next choir concert. You may also find her down a new rabbit hole on Google, researching the latest random fact she found on social media, while eating an unhealthy amount of apples (Macintosh from Michigan, of course) and raw almond butter.

The Coffee Hour – Incredible Epiphany Hymnody

Andy and Sarah talk with Paul Soulek, Director of Parish & School Music at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, Nebraska.

The Coffee Hour – All Things Coffee

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Christopher Gillespie, founder of Coffee by Gillespie.

The Coffee Hour – Lutherans in South Africa

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Martin Paul, Lutheran pastor in South Africa.

The Coffee Hour – #NLSW18 in Homeschool and St. Paul’s ECC

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Sara Lemon about National Lutheran Schools Week in homeschool, along with Janet Profilet and Bev Gruenwald and students from the St. Paul’s Lutheran ECC.

The Coffee Hour – March for Life with AAPLOG

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Donna Harrison, M.D., Executive Director of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG).

The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord in Peru

Today, Andy talks with Rev. Eddie & Melissa Hosch, missionaries to Peru.

The Coffee Hour – March for Life: Live!

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Michael Salemink, Katie Schuermann, Peter Slayton, and Christian Salemink.

The Coffee Hour – Missionaries in Mexico City

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with the Rev. Andrew and Kelsey Schlund, serving the Lord in Mexico City.

The Coffee Hour – American Heritage Girls Teaching Respect for Life

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Michelle Beckham-Corbin, MBA, Director of Marketing & Communications for American Heritage Girls.

The Coffee Hour – Short-Term Service Overseas

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Pastor Michael Awe from Hope Lutheran Church in South Sioux City, NE, and Anne Gonzalez, DCE, Manager of Short-term Mission Training & Engagement for LCMS OIM.