Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard talks about his journey into LCMS pastoral ministry.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Postpartum Mental Health (PMAD)
Nadine Grayl, LCSW, shares her own story and offers a wealth of personal and professional insights to help Lutheran women better understand, identify, and help those facing a range of postpartum mental health challenges.
The Coffee Hour — Palestinian Christian’s View of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Rev. Nabil S. Nour talks about his heritage as a Palestinian Christian and the history of the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
The Coffee Hour — Sacred Music for Child-Loss Month
Rev. Brian Hamer talks about the Litany for the Unborn Christ Child and three pieces of sacred music for Child Loss Month.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Sarah Goes to School: Leadership, Relationships, and Character
Sarah’s going back to school — and we all get to go with her!
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation in Seminary Education
Rev. Dr. Charles Gieschen and Rev. Dr. Ronald Mudge talk about past and present seminary education at CTSFW and CSL.